Monday, April 6, 2015

Claws Are Friends, Don't Ban

Hey guys! I think that I'm doing a pretty good job at constantly blogging, right?
Anyways, here is your fact!

Fact: De-clawing cats is legal in most U.S. states, but banned in at least 22 countries including Germany, New Zealand, Finland, Australia, Switzerland, and Japan.

Well, it does make sense that it would be illegal in some countries because claws are the cats defense mechanism and without it they can't protect themselves.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter........With a Touch of Girl Power

Happy Easter you guys! I hope you all enjoyed your Easter holiday. Mine wasn't the most eventful Easter I've, but let's just say it was cozy. Now let's announce the fact of the day.

Fact: 30% of businesses in the U.S. are owned by women.

Talk about girl power and strength.

Have a Nice Day!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

First Fact In Months!!!

I'm extremely excited to be starting this blog again because I feel like there is something important in my life. This is a really big deal fro me. I just needed to let that out.

Fact: 60% of South Korean families use professionals to find a name for their babies.

That's probably because Korean names have to have a special meaning behind them, you can't just pick something that pops in your head.

Hope you enjoyed that 

I'll Try Again

Time: 9:26 PM

It's spring break right now and after spending 2 days of binge-watching Netflix and eating anything but healthy food I decided to actually do something worth while. What is worth while you might ask -- starting up this blog again.

I know that in my previous I may have said something about going on an indefinite hiatus because I don't wanna be a robot or some shit like that. But after some thought and a couple of Korean films, I wanted a little structure.

I can see by the number of views that a lot of people actually like this blog and I don't like to disappoint. This blog will remain true to it's name and I will post all the interesting facts that I find out in everyday life.

I think I can officially say.......I'M BACK!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New Blog and Indefinite Hiatus

Hey guys,
 I know lately I haven't been posting and things like that even though I promised to post in the first place. Here's the deal: It's really hard to continuously post new facts because it is actually pretty hard to find new facts in general. I finally made the decision to put this blog on an indefinite hiatus and start a new blog.  Not only did I start this new blog because I struggled with finding facts, but I also started it because I felt that this blog is more me rather than posting facts like a highly powered robot. I'm so sorry that I couldn't fully handle and function this blog the way that I should've. Sorry and Bye-Bye.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don't Let Me Go

We may not know too much about them, but Sea Otters actually have one pretty adorable thing about them. When Sea Otters fall asleep they hold each others hands (or paws... whatever) so they don't drift away from each other. SO ADORABLE!!!!!!

I'm Back

Hey Guys, I am so sorry that I haven't posted in like forever, I was pretty busy with some summer things then school came along and I just didn't have the time. I want to let you all know that I am back and I will now be posting Facts along with interesting stories. I will post something at least once a week and at the moment I am also working on a schedule where I will be posting posts about specific things on certain days (ex: Scary Story Saturday.) So I am happy to be back and I hope you guys are just as happy. Also my new phrase at the end of facts will be "The More You Know" and at the end of stories it will be "More Stories in Store". BYE BYE, IM BACK